Entertainment & Events
Live bands, DJs & Latin Karaoke

Live DJs every Thursday & Friday

Live bands every Saturday Night

Latin Karaoke every Sunday Night
There’s always something special happening at the Lucky Club Hotel & Casino. The Lucky Club is North Las Vegas’ home of FMF soccer, with all your favorite teams playing on the big screens. Rising stars take the mic every Sunday at our Latin Karaoke night, while we regularly welcome free live music and DJs to our stages. We’ve even hosted professional boxing and wrestling cards! Holiday celebrations, viewing parties and contests mean there’s always a good time waiting for you at your favorite locals’ casinos.
Join us in Lucy’s Bar & Grill at The Lucky Club on Sunday nights for Latin Karaoke. With dozens of flat screen TV’s along with a Sports and Race lounge – you want to watch all major sporting events at our casinos.
With banquet food options, any of our restaurants can accommodate a dinner party of any size. Let us know what you have in mind.