Our standing in the industry is exceptional in part because we welcome the opportunity to educate our clients and explain the process(es) involved with a remodel or renovation project. The recommendations we make are based solely on what is best for your particular needs. Because of this, Team Tile & Stone is more efficient with our estimates, timelines and final outcome. To begin understanding what to expect when working with us, please view some of our most frequently asked questions (FAQ)...
Typically, it takes 7-14 days depending on the amount of work performed and your cooperation to give us access to the house. The extent of the work being performed is the determining factor most of the time. Gutting the entire bathroom and running new pipes? Then the renovation can extend the timeline a bit. Just doing touch-ups and minor esthetics? Then the bathroom should be completed quicker.
When scheduling a bath remodel, we always strive to complete it in the fastest time possible. Obviously, the more projects we can complete, the more we can bill. But, quality is our priority, not speed. We do not cut corners. Our mindset is that if we do not do it correctly, you'll be calling us back, so therefor, we LOSE time. Getting it done right the first time is vital for us as we also know that our work is for years (possibly forever), not temporary. We promoise, two weeks of inconvienience will seem like nothing, when compared against the many, many years of enjoyment you’ll get.
No. But if you are going to go to the expense and inconvenience of putting your kitchen or bathroom out of commission for a little while then why not consider changing out your cabinets. If you are to the point that you want them redone then they are probably fairly old.
Las Vegas is full of track homes that were thrown together during the boom. The workmanship is not always the greatest and a lot of cheap materials were used. They could be pulling away from the walls or have shelves that are starting to crack where the shelf meets the side of the cabinet.
There are so many new storage options available. Why not consider replacing them. It doesn’t take much longer than a re-facing and the end results will finally give you the storage and design esthetic you’ve always wanted.
Yes, a few small items is fine but say we are doing an entire livingroom, dining/kitchen area...we are not a moving company and do not specialize in heavy objects. We do our best to avoid damage to any household items. Additionally, we are required to purchase extra insurance for any job that necessitates moving a large number of items.
A standard rate from a moving company is $90 per hour with a 2 hour minimum. We will only charge you by the hour. You will need to take all items off the furniture prior to us moving them.
Our professionalism, experience, courteousness and respectfulness. It's not only about our workmanship talents and abilities, but we also pride ourselves on excellent customer service and communication before, during and after the project is completed. Quality and professionalism is of utmost importance to us.
The more familiar our clients are with custom renovations and repair, the quicker we can pinpoint exactly what works best for your space.